“Giving is not just about making a donation, it’s about making a difference.”
-Kathy Calvin

Thank you for making a difference
in our students’ lives.


Connections School of Atlanta, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization. Your contribution is tax deductible. For tax purposes and employer matching, our tax ID number is 47-3486829.

Check, Cash or In-Kind

Make checks payable to Connections School of Atlanta, Inc. and mail to 1017 Edgewood Ave. NE, Atlanta, GA 30307. Contact the school for cash or in-kind donations.

tax credit

Help a family pay tuition with APOGEE - a tax credit set aside for Georgia residents and businesses to designate a portion of their taxes to provide financial aid for students to attend private schools. You can allocate your tax funds to Connections School for need-based scholarships.

Amazon Wishlist

Support classroom learning and engagement by donating needed items from our wishlist. Please consider adding Connections School of Atlanta, Inc. as your beneficiary on Amazon Smile.

Paypal Giving Fund

100% of your donation goes to Connections School through the PayPal Giving Fund. You will receive tax receipt for your charitable donation.

Gifts of Stock

In order for you to complete your stock donations, you will need to contact your Brokerage firm and give them the following information: 

Firm- Cetera Investment Services
Account #- 3WX15132

DTC #- 0701

Physical Address- 401 1st St South  Suite 300   St. Cloud, MN 56301

Phone Number- 1 (800) 245-0467

You can have the brokerage firm contact Cetera for any other additional information they may need.


If you own, operate, or know of a business that would like to support Connections School of Atlanta, Inc., please contact us at info@connectionsschool.org. We welcome sponsors at a variety of financial levels.

Connections School of Atlanta, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization. Your contribution is tax deductible. For tax purposes and employer matching, our tax ID number is 47-3486829.

Payments made for tuition or any other goods or services, including those made by third parties, are not tax deductible. Receipts for these payments do not constitute receipts for charitable contributions. Please make payments for tuition, goods, and services by check or bank transfer.